Since I have so much time to waste..I did some research on the net bout the world conspiracy and one of it is the "Illuminati".
Actually tau tak ape itu Illuminati? Itu sebenarnya a really big but secret organisation that consist of 13 of da wealthiest families in da world, who really rule da world behind da scene!
Click for more
Lepas Ana teruskan bacaan..berpindah2 url..Ana terjumpa pasal Lady Gaga..Singer and songwriter yg Ana minat..Does she belong to Illuminati? Tengok je la her charm.. Sedangkan Ana pun minat.. Her persona actually contributes to mind control.. Amazing!
"Mind Control" - Ana tak abis lagi bacaan bab ni..Apa yg Ana dapat juz bout this MK-Ultra Project.
"Project MK-ULTRA, or MKULTRA, was the code name for a covert CIA mind-control and chemical interrogation research program, run by the Office of Scientific Intelligence."
Symbolism surrounding Lady Gaga, Ana baru prasan..dalam gambar or video, mixes those symbols with occultism of secret societies..Her vacuous, robotic persona is actually mcm mangsa "mind control".
Satu lagi yg Ana terjumpa pasal this Illuminati..kat Malaysia pun ada..tak sure waktu AJL atau whatsoever called anugerah..full of those Illuminati symbols..Dah lama Ana bace pasal ni..tapi hari ni baru nak bring up these facts..the checkered floors, eye n pyramids..tu sume symbols dat belong to Illuminati/Freemasonry.

"Piramid dgn mata satu merupakan logo kumpulan Freemasonry ini. Kumpulan ni ditubuhkan pd 900 masihi oleh orang Yahudi dengan 10 agenda utama. Ada juga yang menyatakan kumpulan ini ditubuhkan untuk menyambut kedatangan Dajjal dan Al-Masikh Imam Mahdi."
Ana suke jugak dgr lagu2 ni..dan Ana percaya some of us pun sama..tho we try to deny..
But I'm sick with this..songs loaded with craps and hidden agendas..
Kite pikir2 la yer...and juz be aware...
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